Giving back to the community
The 2013 Dodge-Ball tourney to raise funds for Youth Haven Barrie. 08 June, 2013On 08 June, 2013, several teams met to duke it out on the dodge-ball court. I’ve never watched or played dodge-ball before and let me tell ya, it can be painful to get hit with a speeding ball, although I can see the benefits to release tension and work on any anger issues.

Providing massage to dodge-ball competitors – raising funds for Youth Haven. 08 June 2013
My contribution was providing massage treatments to the competitors and organizers, helping to stretch out sore muscles.

There is always paperwork related to massage!
The 2013 Dodge-ball tourney raised $5000 for Youth Haven Barrie
Yes, there were several injuries and at least a couple of competitors ended up in hospital. One broken finger and a sprained ankle.
The kingsmen were here cooking lunch and in between games, competitors enjoyed the silent auction. Also, random draws were held through the day giving prizes to competitors.
Overall, the event raised $2000 for Youth Haven. I am excited to participate again next year!
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